Friday, June 22, 2007

Soldier Story

A soldier with a cat! How ironic!

I've read a story in the internet. I thought it would be nice to post it in my blog. The story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco.

“Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.
“Sure,” they replied, “we’d love to meet him.”
“There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”
“No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”

“Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own.”

At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco p0lice. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The p0lice believed it was suicide.

The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had only one arm and one leg.

The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don’t like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are.

Thankfully, there’s someone who won’t treat us that way. Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us into the forever family, regardless of how messed up we are.

Tonight, before you tuck yourself in for the night, say a little prayer that God will give you the strength you need to accept people as they are, and to help us all be more understanding of those who are different from us!!! There’s a miracle called Friendship That dwells in the heart You don’t know how it happens Or when it gets started. But you know the special lift It always brings. And you realize that Friendship Is God’s most precious gift! Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.... Give them a hug or kick their asses and then thank them! I'm sure they'll also kick your ass and after that you'll dwell in the moments of laughter with them!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Incidental Misfortunes

PSG 90 If I'm not mistaken, it also uses the lapua magnum bullet 'coz it looks like the famous AI Arctic Warfare Rifle

It's been a very unfortunate day today! In the morning I woke up very late eventhough I slept early that's why I almost miss my first class. I also lost my LRT card yesterday without any idea where I lost it. That's why I bought a new one this morning. I've been very absent minded in the past few days. I don't know why. Maybe one reason is because three of my best friends who I hang out with are not here with us. I also felt the feeling of being alone in some ways. One good thing is that I found a batch of new friends. It's not that it's our first time being with each other as friends. But I can say that this time, we spend most of our time together and I somehow understand thier personalities, likes/dislikes, attitudes, and others. It's a good thing to finally understand thier personalities. Well, back to the topic, this afternoon in our class in ICET 3L, we had an experiment in our new lessons. It's about Logic Gates. Here comes the problem. I just couldn't cope up with our lesson in our experiment. It's not that I'm a dumbass or someone that stupid for not being able to understand a simple lesson. Maybe it's because of me being absent minded in almost everything I do. I later somehow understand our experiment in the near end of our class. I don't know why this is happening to my intellectual skills concerning learning new lessons hardly. All that comes out of my head is about DotA and other non-sensible kind of stuffs. These are the things that bugs me everytime I sleep and whenever I wake up.
Sometimes I feel like my mind is in a deep slumber waiting for someone to wake me up in my dream! I really need a wake up call and give me a desire or reason for improving my skills and intelligence. I have an idea! If anyone of you sees me hanging or walking around a corner with my mind floating around, kindly punch me in the face to wake me up! I need a hard one! Hehehehehehehehe... just kidding. You know that before you even reach me, you're already dead! Hahahahahaha! So long fellows! :P

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bit of a Farewell

ANg tatlong Jajung Ulul! S,Janoa,Ambrocio! Kaen keu bubog!

"Make new friends, but cherish the old ones!"
(old ones not older ones you dumbass!)

Well, I must say that this semester, there will be some changes that's going to happen. One is that I will try to study "harder" (did I study hard last semester?) and lessen my gametime in playing PC games. Another changes is that some of my best friends will not be around. They weren't able to enroll this schoolyear. It's not that they have problems financially but there's a deeper problem pertaining to their grades and some personal difficulties in the last sem. Mark "S" De Mesa had a problem with his grades in the last two semesters. He got 2 failing grades in the first sem and was put under provation. He was told that another failing grade will bid him a farewell to the school. But unfortunately, he got one in the second sem. When we enrolled this sem, he was told by the Office of Student Affairs to bring his parents with him and give them reasons why S should be given another chance to prove himself and enrol in T.U.P. but S told me that his parents were frustrated with him and didn't let him enroll. Christian "Janoa" San Diego was adviced by our department head to enroll in the second semester because last semester, he decided to transfer to other school that's why he didn't attend most of his classes. But later, he realized that he still want to continue our course and stay in TUP. But his decision was too late, he already got a couple of grades of Dropped. While Aldrin "Ambrocio" Aguilar, without any further valid reasons, he didn't showed up in the enrollment. He told me weeks ago that he couldn't go to school because there's no one in their house that can watch his daughter at home. His wife and mother are working that's why he's the only one in their house responsible for his daughter's need. I called him up and explained it to me but still I couldn't understand why there's no one out there who'll took care of his daughter. Anyway, I guess everything happens for a reason but the harder part is, finding out the reason why? Maybe it's for the better for all of us or maybe there's something more important than that and step aside studying and pursue on other things that are significant in their lives. But... I can't deny the fact that we all share our feelings, thoughts, and ambition to each other in the last schoolyear and it's really hard for us to live our usual school hours without them. I, personally will really miss them all. Those three guys we're the craziest in our barkada, "DOncha Boyz". But there's no need to worry right now, they're not yet dead nor has a timed life, they're just hanging out in their respective houses doing some stupid stuffs or doing nothing at all! I'm sure they'll visit us at school!