Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I've just Finished my Mid-Term Exam this Day!

Brown precision tactical elite sniper rifle

HOLY CRAP! At last! I was able to finish my mid-term exam this day. My mid-term exam was one of the weirdest exam I've ever had. Do you know why? It's because it was an exam that will test our skills in the actual operations. My question in my exam is to put 2 lamps in one duplex switch and the other lamp is put in 2 three-way switches. At first I thought that my question is one of the hardest. But when I figured out what the wiring connections are, everything turned easy. Can you imagine? I was the first to finish our actual exam this day? I just couldn't believe it you know? Well, thank God my mid-term exam was a success (I'm not bragging!). Anyway, I still have one freaking major exam left. I hope I can pass that exam too! Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Another Past time or Another Addiction?

RAN Online!!!!!!! I a freakin' swordsman for GOd's sake!!!

Lately I was hooked by an online game named RAN Online. I don't know much about the game but I'm telling you, once you start playing it, you'll never think of quitting the game! Maybe one reason why I like the game is because of my group named "DONT CHA Boyz"(Formerly DOTA Boyz). We play together as a team that's why we all have fun playing it! We are all planning to raise our levels in the game so that we can be a full pledge RAN Online player. The sad part is, we would lessen our DOTA playing time. But I guess it would be fair enough for people like us. DOTA had already given us pleasure and enjoyment for a couple of months now and I think we should find another game to have fun with. One of my worst thing to happen is to be overaddicted to RAN Online. I can still remember from my high school days, I've been so addicted to Ragnarok Online that it really affect my studies. But now, I'm already in college, I should not be narrow-minded. I should think of the consequences involved in playing a MMORPG. I should think twice before making decisions so I won't regret it at the end! But for now, I'll enjoy playing RAN Online! Try it out! It's a bunch of fun!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Preliminary Exams: Just a bunch of Headaches!

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum. One of the most powerful and high accuracy sniper rifle. It can shoot a very decent MOA from 1200m+!! Amazing huh?

Yesterday, we had our preliminary exam in English 1. As usual, I reviewed my lessons an hour before the exam. Guess what? I ran out of answers during the first 20 minutes of our exam. I think we are given 2 hours to finish our exam but I took it for only 1 hour. Am I some kind of genius or what? Hehehehe... how ironic! I think I wouldn't have a high grade on than test but I think I still reached the half-point mark. I think that's my punishment for not reviewing seriously on a preliminary exam. Our teacher in Chemistry 1 told us that next week, we're going to have our prelim exam in her subject. This time I won't be an easy-go-lucky type of guy. It's time to be "somehow" serious in studying my lessons. Damn! I forgot! One of my classmates told me that we're gonna have a long test in Computer 1 tomorrow! He's not sure if it's our prelims or not. I think I just have to review almost all our topics in my Computer subject. Well, that's it for now! I'll get the f*ck out of here and get myself into a serious study! Sayonara! Hasta la Vista! See ya later!