Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Preliminary Exams: Just a bunch of Headaches!

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum. One of the most powerful and high accuracy sniper rifle. It can shoot a very decent MOA from 1200m+!! Amazing huh?

Yesterday, we had our preliminary exam in English 1. As usual, I reviewed my lessons an hour before the exam. Guess what? I ran out of answers during the first 20 minutes of our exam. I think we are given 2 hours to finish our exam but I took it for only 1 hour. Am I some kind of genius or what? Hehehehe... how ironic! I think I wouldn't have a high grade on than test but I think I still reached the half-point mark. I think that's my punishment for not reviewing seriously on a preliminary exam. Our teacher in Chemistry 1 told us that next week, we're going to have our prelim exam in her subject. This time I won't be an easy-go-lucky type of guy. It's time to be "somehow" serious in studying my lessons. Damn! I forgot! One of my classmates told me that we're gonna have a long test in Computer 1 tomorrow! He's not sure if it's our prelims or not. I think I just have to review almost all our topics in my Computer subject. Well, that's it for now! I'll get the f*ck out of here and get myself into a serious study! Sayonara! Hasta la Vista! See ya later!

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