Monday, May 22, 2006

The long day was over but my problem isn't over!

Just as I expected, there was a huge crowd at the first day of enrollment. I went to the school at 9:00am but I came home 8:30pm. I almost spend half a day just to do it all. One thing that I didn't expected is that there will be a very, very, very long process *kinda exaggerating a little bit!* I thought that all I have to do is to fall in a long, long line and then it's over! But again and again, my guess isn't right. At my first encounter in falling in line, I spent 3 hours just to finish the first step. I know that is not that bad because I thought that it is a natural thing to happen in enrolling at the first day. But suddenly, after finishing the first step, the college clinic requires us to have a medical examination at thier prescribe public clinic outside the campus. I was just laughing all the way when I saw that all I need to do is to have an X-ray and a drug test *The drug test doesn't bother me coz I know I'm not a drug user* But when we reached the clinic *I was accompanied by my mother btw*, I saw a very long line of people trying to go inside the clinic *not to mention, the line in clinic is even longer than what I saw in the campus* Well, what can you expect? I spend my whole afternoon just to be examined. At 3:00pm, I felt a very nasty feeling that I'm gonna pee. So I went to the nearest mall just to urinate. I forgot that my urine is needed for the drug test. Finally, at 5:00pm, it my turn to shine! *I mean, it's my turn to be examined* My X-ray was good but when the nurse told me that they need a sample of my urine, I forgot that I urinated two hours ago! I haven't drink since 12noon so I got no other choice but to drink plenty of water! I think I drink more than 2 liters of water *I'm not kidding!* before I finally feel that I'm gonna pee once more! It was 6:00pm when I finish the test *For the record, I was the last to perform the urine sample gathering*. While riding in the train going home, I felt something inside my body that's waiting to explode! It's my urinary bladder is preparing to explode at any time! I used all my force just to avoid peeing in my pants inside the train with lots of people. It was an air-conditioned train but my sweat is all-over my body! It was quite a while when we reached our station and went to the nearest comfort room. After that, we took our last trip going home. We rode the jeepney. When we came home at about 8:00pm, my family already decided to move our short vacation on other date. I haven't finish my enrollment and I will return tomorrow to get my medical results. Yup! The long day was over but my problem isn't over!

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