Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Upcoming Christmas Vacation

Your still my only one!

Phew! This month is one the most hectic and frustrating month for me this year! I had to do all my projects and exercises so that I can pass it all on time. Actually, it's not yet our christmas vacation. I still got one class on Monday. Our professor in that subject told us to attend his class. I wonder why he likes to have a class eventhought we all know that Christmas is coming and I think we should all relax. He's just to industrious for a professor! Anyway, I'm so glad that Christmas is coming. I can be able to wake up late because I doesn't have classes anymore. I can also play all day. Imagine that? Life for me will be very pleasant! The only thing that I will miss on my vacation are my classmates and friends. I almost spent my whole day with them whenever I come to school. I'm sure I'll be missing their presence! But for now, I should relax and forget all my worries because Christmas is coming, the season of sharing and giving! Advanced Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!

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