Friday, December 28, 2007

WTF? Another Obsession?

Maki Horikita. Isn't she cute? If I would've given a chance to see her, I'll suddenly put her in a sack and bring her to my room! Bwahahahahahahahahaha (it's kidnapping you dumbshit!)

It's already been a week since the last day of our classes this December. As expected, all I did from the past week is to sit on the side of my PC and play Ragnarok or surf the internet. But surely, who could stand being on the side of your PC all day long. Of course I had to find some other things to dispell boredom. I looked up in my DVD colection which some of the DVD's are bought last November. I bought them coz I know I'll have plenty of time in our house. As days pass by, I've been watching almost 12noon til 12midnight (seriously speaking). One of my favorite movie genre is action,suspense-thriller and of course, horror. As I was watching one japanese horror film, Chakushin Ari 3 a.k.a. "One Missed Call 3: Final", I was stunned by the cute girl named "Asuka" in the movie. I dunno what hit me. I guess it's one of my lovesickness or what I called my anti-boredom so-called love obsession. She'd made me realized how beautiful life is whenever I see her face. After watching the movie, I rushed into my computer to know her name and some info about her. I found out her name is Maki Horikita. I also saved tons of pictures of her on my PC. I realized that she's just a normal being which God created differently just like everyone of us. I can't say that she's one of the cutest girl I've seen in my life. Maybe I've met someone more beautiful than her in our school, train station, mall or anywhere I've been. What I can say is that I'm pretty attached to her character in the movie that's why I found her very very pretty. Right now, I doesn't have any idea how long my admiration for her will last. But it's a sure thing that she'll be in everything I do this short vacation coz I doesn't have any other subject to deal with. I'll let myself imagine of me and her together for as long as I don't treat her as an over-obsession which can lead to serious psychological disorders (I won't end up to that for sure :p !) She's just my crush and now I'm one of her fan. I am currently downloading some of her jdorama episodes via bittorrent. Boredom surely finds a way to cure himself.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Ragnarok One More Time!

Ragnarok nanaman? nanaman? nanaman? NANAMAN!!!

First of all, I want to greet all of you belated Merry Chirstmas. Hmm.... Is this deja vou? I think last year I also posted a Christmas greeting a day after Christmas. It's kinda shame in my part for doing so. Last November, I didn't expect that I will be playing Ragnarok Online for another time. For as long as I can remember, I quit Ragnarok during my last quarter in my 4th year high school. But now, I am striving to get back on the game. To start off, I reviewed some of the new things that happened in Ragnarok Online like market prices, new items, quest skills, preferable job classes and many in-game stuffs. I also reclaim my old openkore bot knowledge. After some time, I've learned something new about Openkore bot. To all of you who doesn't know what Openkore is, let me describe it. Openkore is a program used to make AI's in the game Ragnarok Online or what mediocre RO players call, bot. During my high school days, I've been one of the most knowledgable about botting and creating trouble-free AI's. But for stopping in playing RO for almost two years, my knowledge about botting became not-so-updated. Last November, I went to a friend who is studying in FEU about new trends and new commands in botting. I didn't learn for him that much but he just gave me a hint about what's hot and what's not. After some time, I found out about Macros and other Openkore Plugins. To all of you who are currently playing RO, I guess many of you notice some merchant buying an item using a pub for almost 24hours a day. It is called an autoTrade plugins in Openkore. What you will do is to modify the plugin for what you want to buy from a certain player who deals your bot. Another good thing in Openkore is the advanced usage and discovery of using the macro plugin. Using the macro plugin, you can modify your bot in using openkore console commands. For example, you can program your macros to make your bot upgrade a certain item repeatedly. Or you can make your bot buff a player when a certain condition is triggered. I guess this wouldn't be possible if LU didn't make botting legal. Because of using bot as a legal third party application, many young Filipinos challenge their minds to create new things and program something useful for the future of MMORPG gaming!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Final Exams Week

As I already mentioned, this week is our finals week. I'll be taking a couple of departmental exams and I'm probably getting myself overloaded by tons of unfinished projects. The last week of submission of our projects is next week that's why I'm a little bit busy right now. Well, I think I'm getting used to this kind of situation. Last semester, I almost spend my whole vacation for my special project in our major class. I just hope that this semester I won't have a failing mark again! Wish me luck!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Expect the Expected

There had been a drought during the last few months. Our government says that our water reservoirs are now in the state that its water level is at below its average level. Indeed, we are having a serious problem regarding our water supply. But during the past few days, there had been a series of rain showers which leads to a storm afterwards. Is this it? Is it the start of the rainy season? Last week our church told the people that we need to pray for rain to solve drought in our country. Now, we are having plenty of rainshowers in almost every part of our country. But do you think our problem is solved? Or is it another calamity that we are about to face? Surely, like the past rainy seasons, there will be lots of disasters that's gonna happen if storms will come in a simultaneous manner. And what else can you think of? There will also be a series of "No Classes" in schools in all levels. I guess I doesn't like that so-called mini-vacation during rainy season. I won't be getting my full weekly allowance and I will be buried inside our house doing nothing but to eat,watch,sleep... etc.. etc... But for now, let's just hope that the situation won't get any worst than that.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Month-end Update

Hello! just droppin' by to tell ya that I've recently updated the picture gallery in my website. Feel free to check it out! I'll be making another pictures this week so watch out. The picture I place in this post is the picture of my barkada with our faces cropped into the soldiers' bodies in the mini-series "Band of Brothers". Isn't that horrible? Hehehehehehe....

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Many of us would have thought that our group "Doncha Boyz" couldn't last for long. One reason is because we've lost 3 of our great leaders in our group (you know who they are). But because of our desire to outcome our doubts about our group, we've decided to recruit new members. It's not that we chose them one by one but they are the ones who voluntarily joined our group. Now, instead of 13 of us during the last semester, we are now about 20+! But not of all of the new members are regular members of the group. Four of them are what I called "Genuine" members of the group already because we share the same thoughts about many things just like playing DotA. They are namely, Geovic ([Dc]w), Jay (Who_Dust), Buyco (CoLoNeL) and Romero (jemem). I'll be making a spoofed pictures of them later! Hmm.... let's do the Math. If we are 13 last sem minus 3 plus 4 new genuine members = 14! We are currently 14 all in all. But it doesn't mean that the 3 are not members anymore. It's just that they're not studying in our school anymore. I hope to see them in the coming weeks.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Soldier Story

A soldier with a cat! How ironic!

I've read a story in the internet. I thought it would be nice to post it in my blog. The story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam. He called his parents from San Francisco.

“Mom and Dad, I’m coming home, but I’ve a favor to ask. I have a friend I’d like to bring home with me.
“Sure,” they replied, “we’d love to meet him.”
“There’s something you should know,” the son continued, “he was hurt pretty badly in the fighting. He stepped on a land mind and lost an arm and a leg. He has nowhere else to go, and I want him to come live with us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live.”
“No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us.”

“Son,” said the father, “you don’t know what you’re asking. Someone with such a handicap would be a terrible burden on us. We have our own lives to live, and we can’t let something like this interfere with our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this guy. He’ll find a way to live on his own.”

At that point, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, however, they received a call from the San Francisco p0lice. Their son had died after falling from a building, they were told. The p0lice believed it was suicide.

The grief-stricken parents flew to San Francisco and were taken to the city morgue to identify the body of their son. They recognized him, but to their horror they also discovered something they didn’t know, their son had only one arm and one leg.

The parents in this story are like many of us. We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun to have around, but we don’t like people who inconvenience us or make us feel uncomfortable. We would rather stay away from people who aren’t as healthy, beautiful, or smart as we are.

Thankfully, there’s someone who won’t treat us that way. Someone who loves us with an unconditional love that welcomes us into the forever family, regardless of how messed up we are.

Tonight, before you tuck yourself in for the night, say a little prayer that God will give you the strength you need to accept people as they are, and to help us all be more understanding of those who are different from us!!! There’s a miracle called Friendship That dwells in the heart You don’t know how it happens Or when it gets started. But you know the special lift It always brings. And you realize that Friendship Is God’s most precious gift! Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always want to open their hearts to us. Show your friends how much you care.... Give them a hug or kick their asses and then thank them! I'm sure they'll also kick your ass and after that you'll dwell in the moments of laughter with them!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Incidental Misfortunes

PSG 90 If I'm not mistaken, it also uses the lapua magnum bullet 'coz it looks like the famous AI Arctic Warfare Rifle

It's been a very unfortunate day today! In the morning I woke up very late eventhough I slept early that's why I almost miss my first class. I also lost my LRT card yesterday without any idea where I lost it. That's why I bought a new one this morning. I've been very absent minded in the past few days. I don't know why. Maybe one reason is because three of my best friends who I hang out with are not here with us. I also felt the feeling of being alone in some ways. One good thing is that I found a batch of new friends. It's not that it's our first time being with each other as friends. But I can say that this time, we spend most of our time together and I somehow understand thier personalities, likes/dislikes, attitudes, and others. It's a good thing to finally understand thier personalities. Well, back to the topic, this afternoon in our class in ICET 3L, we had an experiment in our new lessons. It's about Logic Gates. Here comes the problem. I just couldn't cope up with our lesson in our experiment. It's not that I'm a dumbass or someone that stupid for not being able to understand a simple lesson. Maybe it's because of me being absent minded in almost everything I do. I later somehow understand our experiment in the near end of our class. I don't know why this is happening to my intellectual skills concerning learning new lessons hardly. All that comes out of my head is about DotA and other non-sensible kind of stuffs. These are the things that bugs me everytime I sleep and whenever I wake up.
Sometimes I feel like my mind is in a deep slumber waiting for someone to wake me up in my dream! I really need a wake up call and give me a desire or reason for improving my skills and intelligence. I have an idea! If anyone of you sees me hanging or walking around a corner with my mind floating around, kindly punch me in the face to wake me up! I need a hard one! Hehehehehehehehe... just kidding. You know that before you even reach me, you're already dead! Hahahahahaha! So long fellows! :P

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Bit of a Farewell

ANg tatlong Jajung Ulul! S,Janoa,Ambrocio! Kaen keu bubog!

"Make new friends, but cherish the old ones!"
(old ones not older ones you dumbass!)

Well, I must say that this semester, there will be some changes that's going to happen. One is that I will try to study "harder" (did I study hard last semester?) and lessen my gametime in playing PC games. Another changes is that some of my best friends will not be around. They weren't able to enroll this schoolyear. It's not that they have problems financially but there's a deeper problem pertaining to their grades and some personal difficulties in the last sem. Mark "S" De Mesa had a problem with his grades in the last two semesters. He got 2 failing grades in the first sem and was put under provation. He was told that another failing grade will bid him a farewell to the school. But unfortunately, he got one in the second sem. When we enrolled this sem, he was told by the Office of Student Affairs to bring his parents with him and give them reasons why S should be given another chance to prove himself and enrol in T.U.P. but S told me that his parents were frustrated with him and didn't let him enroll. Christian "Janoa" San Diego was adviced by our department head to enroll in the second semester because last semester, he decided to transfer to other school that's why he didn't attend most of his classes. But later, he realized that he still want to continue our course and stay in TUP. But his decision was too late, he already got a couple of grades of Dropped. While Aldrin "Ambrocio" Aguilar, without any further valid reasons, he didn't showed up in the enrollment. He told me weeks ago that he couldn't go to school because there's no one in their house that can watch his daughter at home. His wife and mother are working that's why he's the only one in their house responsible for his daughter's need. I called him up and explained it to me but still I couldn't understand why there's no one out there who'll took care of his daughter. Anyway, I guess everything happens for a reason but the harder part is, finding out the reason why? Maybe it's for the better for all of us or maybe there's something more important than that and step aside studying and pursue on other things that are significant in their lives. But... I can't deny the fact that we all share our feelings, thoughts, and ambition to each other in the last schoolyear and it's really hard for us to live our usual school hours without them. I, personally will really miss them all. Those three guys we're the craziest in our barkada, "DOncha Boyz". But there's no need to worry right now, they're not yet dead nor has a timed life, they're just hanging out in their respective houses doing some stupid stuffs or doing nothing at all! I'm sure they'll visit us at school!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Miss Universe 2007: Riyo Mori of Japan

Riyo Mori

I guess this is the first Miss Universe Pageant that I had recently watched since the year 2002. Well, I guess one probable reason for me to watch the pageant is that it was aired in one of the most competitive t.v. stations in our country, ABS-CBN. It's not that it is the second or third time ABS-CBN hosted the broadcast of the pageant but I think it's the wide influence of the press, media, which says that this year's Miss Universe pageant is most likely favorable to our Asian candidates. This year's favorites are Miss Korea, Miss Thailand, Miss Japan (to name a few) and other Latin countries. Actually, my real bet for the crown is Korea's representative, Honey Lee and my second bet is Miss Japan, Riyo Mori. The reason why I chose the two is because of their classic Asian beauty and their sweet,cute attitude. To tell you honestly, I prefer Miss Korea to win the title but it's really good to know that Miss Japan got the crown instead, I really like them both but I guess Miss Korea has a slightly better affection than Miss Japan for me. But I really like them both! :P
During the final judgement of the pageant, the top 5 candidates were named. I'm so glad to know that my two beautiful bets were included :) Miss Korea was crowned 3rd Runner-up. When Miss Japan and Miss Brazil were the last two candidates remaining, I thought that Miss Japan is only the 1st Runner-up (it's because of Riyo Mori's face expression of gladly accepting that Miss Brazil is the new Miss Universe) but when the announcer had spoken, I just couldn't believe what I've heard. Japan's Riyo Mori is the new Miss Universe of the year 2007. I can still make a picture in my head how cute she was when she learned that she won the title (she's really shocked and couldn't believe for herself). I guess one major reason for winning the title is during her final interview. The question was, "What is the one lesson learned as a child that still affects her life today", she responded with a greeting "Hola, Mexico!" and after that, she said "Dancing..." blah blah blah, and I was amazed by her last sentence when she said that, "I learned how to always be happy, to be patient and to be positive, and this is what I want to teach to the next generation." What a clever response (despite naming dancing as her first answer and then relating it to her final answer). I've got some pictures of her at the bottom of this article. Sayonara!

Monday, May 28, 2007

A Ruined Dream

Last week, I told my parents to get a DSL service in our house. They already agreed to my proposal and I was told that I can apply for a DSL service in the PLDTmyDSL website. I was so happy to know that in the coming days, I will have a DSL on my PC. Days have past and after a week, we recieve a phonecall asking where's our exact location. My father was the one who entertain the call. Knowing the fact that the DSL service can be installed in our house in the next few hours, I became very happy. But suddenly, our bill of Meralco had arrive. My mother saw our bill is Php5000+. She can't imagine that because we bought a new refrigirator, our electric bill arouses. Anyway, that little incident had brought somehow a second thought in having a DSL. Early in the afternoon, the team of DSL technicians arrived. They told my mom that the Php999 amount is just for the DSL service itself. The payment does not include our phone bill which is about Php800+. She had a second thought in installing the service and later decides to back off. So, those DSL technicians went off when my mom told them that she changed her mind because of some financial stability problems. My mother told me that she thought the DSL service and our phone's bill will only be Php999 (Those PLDT adds in t.v. are quite confusing) that's why she agreed on my proposal. But then, I also realized that I still doesn't have a money earning job so that I can contribute in our daily expenses. I understand their situation to cancel the installation of the DSL. Right now I'll still be using internet cards for the mean time. I hope that our Meralco bill didn't came to our house that early so that we could have a DSL installed! :P But I think everything happens for a reason that's why right now I set aside my dreams in using a fast internet connection and say hello to my old 56k Modem.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Rare Update!

After several months! I've finally updated my website. I've change the picture section and add a couple of new webpages. There is now a seperate picture gallery for my high school and college. Please visit them now! I'll be updating my website more frequently becauce it's already my summer vacation! Ciao!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Some Kind of a Special Project

To start off, I can say that last month was a fun but full of headaches month. I've got a grade of "Dropped" in one of my subjects and a couple grades of 3.0. Another problem is that I was not able to past two of my projects in my major subject. Our professor told us yesterday that he already passed our grades to the registrar's office. He already marked our grades with two lack units. But he told us that he will change our grades but we need to have a special project. He told us to paint one classroom with our own budget. I guess it's fair enough for us because at least he gave us another chance. Well, tomorrow we'll meet at school and talk about our special project. Good luck to us!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

I'm not blaming anybody..... It's my own mistake!

"I've should have done something but I've done it enough by the way, my hands were shaking I'd rather waste sometime with you...."

A stanza in the song of Blue and Yellow by The Used

I can really relate my problem to that stanza in the song. What's my problem? That's none of of business! Hehehehe..... a little bit rude huh? My problem is in concern to my studies.... I've been very lousy the last semester. I've been my usual "Easy-go-lucky" type of person. That's why right now, I'm really having some 'SERIOUS' problems pertaining to my studies. I really believe the Filipino saying that: "Ang pagsisisi ay laging nasa HULI!". Hmm.... that's right! And I'm not really blaming anybody instead of MYSELF! I'm the one who is responsible for my stupid acts. And nobody is responsible in making me feel like this right now. It's my own decision and now I really realize that regret is always at the end. But I hope my failure will make me stronger and better. I just wish that I could be my own self after this incident. I really doesn't feel that I'm okay emotionally and intelectually... (Am I going insane? Oh no! Just kidding!) Maybe if you're one of my friends, you'll notice that I'm really my usual self...... funny, hustle-free, easy-go-lucky, quiet but not that quite..... but deep inside of me....... IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!! IT REALLY BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN FEEL THE F*CKING HEAT OF THE FLAME IN HELL!!!!!!!! WHAT A STUPID DECISION HAVE I DONE!!!!!!!!!!! IS THERE SOMETHING ELSE I CAN DO TO MAKE ME FEEL ALRIGHT AGAIN? I just hope that I can turn back time.... and erase all my mistakes in my life..... maybe not all my mistakes in my life.... I just want to re-make my college life to be a better person than now. But I know that life isn't a f*cking sci-fi stupid idealistic action movie..... every decision is final! There's no turning back on your mistakes you did before. Blah! Blah! Blah! I'm just being so dramatic these days..... I just want all my feelings to let it out. If you have an advice for me. Kindly send me a message to lessen my grief. I'm really freakin' serious right now! I just need some sympathy!!!! If you've got any problems with that or you want to play some not-so-funny tricks on me, I'll be the one to personally rip off your fingernails and cut your skin until you bleed to death or I'll suffocate you with my rugged pillow! Hehehehe..... Is that what you call 'Violent Frustration'? I'm just kidding! ^^ I just needed someone to cheer me up! I need your sympathies mi amigos! Hastalavista hombres n mujeres!

"Mabuti pa ang DotA at RAN pwedeng mag re-make kpag natalo kayo......
Di tulad sa buhay ng tao na walang re-make, walang re-take.....
Mabuti pa ang Coke sakto, limang piso lang....
Hindi tulad ng RC Cola..... Six pesos parin!"

By the way, to all IV-3 and MNHS Graduates 2005-2006, I'm calling all DotA players to have a 5 on 5 match for the last week of March. Just contact me! I just need someone to comfort me in my time of crisis....... I really miss my high school days! T_T

To all my friends in RAN Online.... I'll be back after a week or two! Just keep the StalwarT spirit burning!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

A New Beggining... StalwarT 3

StalwarT 3! _=VaSsiLi=_, pirikapirilala, ting_turing

To start off, I just wanna greet you all belated Happy New Year! Back to topic, this week, me and my friends are planning to make a new gang extension for our gang StalwarT in RAN Online. There is an existing StalwarT 2 that means, the gang we're going to make is going to be named "StalwarT 3". Guess who'll be the gang leader of the said gang, of course, I'm one of the chosen candidates for being the next GL for StalwarT 3. It doesn't really matter to me if who's gonna be the next GL, what really matter is that we are all loyal Stalwart members and that's the reason why I think all of us of us are deserving to be the next GL. Making a new gang needs lots of gold but our gangmates told us that they're generous enough to support our financial needs. Good luck to us and our upcoming new gang! See ya all!