Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Belated Merry Christmas!

Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

I know it sounds lame but, i just wanna say Merry Christmas to all of you! I've been very busy sleeping last christmas. Anyway, nothing special last christmas. I think it's just like one of my ordinary days. Hehehe... We Doesn't really celebrate christmas, we often celebrate new year instead. Well. I wish all of us luck in the new year to come! Belated Merry xmas and a happy holiday!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

My Upcoming Christmas Vacation

Your still my only one!

Phew! This month is one the most hectic and frustrating month for me this year! I had to do all my projects and exercises so that I can pass it all on time. Actually, it's not yet our christmas vacation. I still got one class on Monday. Our professor in that subject told us to attend his class. I wonder why he likes to have a class eventhought we all know that Christmas is coming and I think we should all relax. He's just to industrious for a professor! Anyway, I'm so glad that Christmas is coming. I can be able to wake up late because I doesn't have classes anymore. I can also play all day. Imagine that? Life for me will be very pleasant! The only thing that I will miss on my vacation are my classmates and friends. I almost spent my whole day with them whenever I come to school. I'm sure I'll be missing their presence! But for now, I should relax and forget all my worries because Christmas is coming, the season of sharing and giving! Advanced Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006


Nakakapagod! Amfufu tlga!

Today is a tiring and unexpected day! My professor in my major subject told us that today is the last day of submission of our drawing exercises and job plan sheets. He told us that if we won't be able to pass it today , it will already be marked 5 (5 is the lowest grade, it means "Failed") We've got 10 exercises to pass but I still got 7 of them! So what am I supposed to do? I've got no other choice but to do it as quickly as possible. But after our class has ended, my classmate told us that she can still accept late works. By the way, my classmate is the one who records our grades and then submit it to our professor later. After I heard it, I felt so enlightened! I can still pass my exercises today because I've only got one exercise left. But because of being lazy and so addicted to PC games, I choose to pass it tomorrow so that I can pass my exercises together with some of my classmates' late works! Hehehehehe..... I hope I'll be able to finish it today!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Duh?.... WHat a Boring Weekend!

I feel sleepy.... duh...

Lately, I've been sick and tired of all my daily living. Sometimes I feel like I want to try something else. At times I daydream about being someone else, someone that is rich and famous, or someone that is powerful and well-respected. Hmmm.... but as you can see, life isn't like that. We all have our own personality and responsibilities. I just wish that someday I can contribute to the world and be known as a well being. Hehehe... Does I sound ridiculous to you guys? I'm really telling the truth! Anyway, one of the real reasons why I'm really bored is that my server is RAN Online is already full. I couldn't find a way to fit in the game! Damn it! Another reason is that I've been down in my studies lately. Sorry if I can't enumerate the things that makes me bored in my studies. Hmm.... I'll still try to connect on my server in RAN online. Wish me luck!!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm Back and I'm Good as New!

RAN Online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been quite busy for the past few months. I've already forgotten to post in my blog. Anyway, there are lots of things that happened in my life. I already finished my first semester in my 1st year in college. My character in RAN Online also had it's own level boost. Hehehehe... not to mention, I've been really addicted to the game that I almost spent most of my time playing the game. My swordsman's level is currently at 94 and I'm planning to make a little bit higher. Opps... I think I've got lots of other things to do right now... maybe I'll post later on.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I've just Finished my Mid-Term Exam this Day!

Brown precision tactical elite sniper rifle

HOLY CRAP! At last! I was able to finish my mid-term exam this day. My mid-term exam was one of the weirdest exam I've ever had. Do you know why? It's because it was an exam that will test our skills in the actual operations. My question in my exam is to put 2 lamps in one duplex switch and the other lamp is put in 2 three-way switches. At first I thought that my question is one of the hardest. But when I figured out what the wiring connections are, everything turned easy. Can you imagine? I was the first to finish our actual exam this day? I just couldn't believe it you know? Well, thank God my mid-term exam was a success (I'm not bragging!). Anyway, I still have one freaking major exam left. I hope I can pass that exam too! Wish me luck!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Another Past time or Another Addiction?

RAN Online!!!!!!! I a freakin' swordsman for GOd's sake!!!

Lately I was hooked by an online game named RAN Online. I don't know much about the game but I'm telling you, once you start playing it, you'll never think of quitting the game! Maybe one reason why I like the game is because of my group named "DONT CHA Boyz"(Formerly DOTA Boyz). We play together as a team that's why we all have fun playing it! We are all planning to raise our levels in the game so that we can be a full pledge RAN Online player. The sad part is, we would lessen our DOTA playing time. But I guess it would be fair enough for people like us. DOTA had already given us pleasure and enjoyment for a couple of months now and I think we should find another game to have fun with. One of my worst thing to happen is to be overaddicted to RAN Online. I can still remember from my high school days, I've been so addicted to Ragnarok Online that it really affect my studies. But now, I'm already in college, I should not be narrow-minded. I should think of the consequences involved in playing a MMORPG. I should think twice before making decisions so I won't regret it at the end! But for now, I'll enjoy playing RAN Online! Try it out! It's a bunch of fun!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Preliminary Exams: Just a bunch of Headaches!

Accuracy International Arctic Warfare Magnum. One of the most powerful and high accuracy sniper rifle. It can shoot a very decent MOA from 1200m+!! Amazing huh?

Yesterday, we had our preliminary exam in English 1. As usual, I reviewed my lessons an hour before the exam. Guess what? I ran out of answers during the first 20 minutes of our exam. I think we are given 2 hours to finish our exam but I took it for only 1 hour. Am I some kind of genius or what? Hehehehe... how ironic! I think I wouldn't have a high grade on than test but I think I still reached the half-point mark. I think that's my punishment for not reviewing seriously on a preliminary exam. Our teacher in Chemistry 1 told us that next week, we're going to have our prelim exam in her subject. This time I won't be an easy-go-lucky type of guy. It's time to be "somehow" serious in studying my lessons. Damn! I forgot! One of my classmates told me that we're gonna have a long test in Computer 1 tomorrow! He's not sure if it's our prelims or not. I think I just have to review almost all our topics in my Computer subject. Well, that's it for now! I'll get the f*ck out of here and get myself into a serious study! Sayonara! Hasta la Vista! See ya later!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Managing our Time.

One of my favorite sniper rifles! It's the HK MSG 90!!!!

It's been a hell of month for me in my college life. I've met a new breed of DOTA Boyz. At first we thought that DOTA wouldn't affect our studies but we're wrong. DUring the past few weeks, we have been adicted to the game that we sometimes attend our subjects late because of playing it. Yesterday, me and my friends decided that we should lessen our DOTA playing time. We decided to play DOTA on Thursday. On the remaining days, we will play Counter-Strike on SM and maybe I'll visit my Ragnarok Account sometimes. Whenever we have a 1 hour break, we decided to hang-out in SM instead of playing a 1-hour DOTA game. I guess it will be good enough for DOTAdiks like us.

I'm on some kind of a lovesick right now.....

Her name is Lim Eun Kyeong
Nice shot huh?

Damn! It's been 4 months since I saw her on one of her movie but still, I can't get enough of her. Anyway, it doesn't bother my studies and my private life so I guess I'll just keep on adoring her as far as my feelings for her is still here. Uhm... what do you think? She's cute right???

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A New Breed of DOTA Boyz

AMPotaness! Mga DOTAdiks!!!! MMMMMonster Kill!!!
"Make new friends but cherish the old ones!" - Anonymous

As the saying says, I should make new friends but I should keep my old friends. During my high school years, I met lots of interesting people. One of the most memorable year of my high school life is when I made friends with people who enjoys playing DOTA-allstars. It is during my fourth year in high school. Before we graduated, we formed a group named "DOTA Boyz". But I guess nothing really last forever. Not all of my friends are studying in the same school anymore. I've got some of my old friends in T.U.P. but we can't play together because of our different schedules. But fortunately, I met a new breed of DOTAdiks. They are namely Lira (2222), Christian(kwitib tae), Mark(s), Mac(__MAC__), Russell, Aldrin(ambrocio), and Roland. Even I am away with my original DOTA friends, I found a new batch of guys who enjoys playing DOTA-allstars.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Spectre: The Stronger Mercurial!

DOTA allstar!!!!!!!

Well, you guys might be wondering who Spectre is. To tell you the truth, I really doesn't know much about him. Anyway, I have a little information about him. To start off, let me introduce to you first who Spectre is. He is a character (actually a hero) in the game D.O.T.A allstars. In the previous version of the game, he's name was actually "Avatar of Vengeance". He's not that strong during those days. But later I found out in the new version of the game, Mercurial (Spectre's actual name) had became better and stronger! I don't know much about his skills but believe me, he's better than the usual! I haven't tried playing him in the game 'coz I'm a bit busy in school but I think I'll try using him this weekend to know how to use his skills wisely.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Ginebra Gin Kings tied the series 1-1

Mark Caguioa: Your team is on your shoulder!

Thank goodness! The Gin Kings had already tied the series 1-1 versus the Red Bull Barako. The game was exciting. At the half, the Barakos lead for as many as 10 points but still, the Kings finished the half by leading 2 points. During the first half, the Kings had a 0-8 3 point shooting field goals but not until at 3rd quarter when Mark Macapagal scored 16 points only in the 3rd quarter. In the fourth quarter, it had been a a Ginebra game. The Barakos made a run but it comes out short. The game ended with a Ginebra victory. One factor of winning the game is the awesome combination of Eric "The Major Pain" Menk and Mark "The Spark" Cagioua. They both scored above 30 points. I'm so excited in game 3 of their best of 5 series.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

JUNE! It's smells like it's time for SCHOOL!

My summer vacation is about to end. I'll be going to college on June 13. Hmm.... I dunno if I'm ready for school coz I feel I bit lazy in waking up early. I hope I can meet new friends. Twelve days to go before school so I better get ready!

The Movie wasn't shown

Guys, I know that most of you waited for the movie "My Wife is a Gangster" last May 28. But the problem is, it was not shown. It was replaced by the Concert of Jaya. QTV advertised the movie last May 19 together with the movie "The Touch". But suddenly, they back out. I wonder why? Hehehe... I already watched "My Wife is a Gangster". That's why I know that this will happen. The movie has lots of green jokes and I know QTV will have a hard time in cutting those scenes. Maybe they give up on editing the movie. They shouldn't advertised it anyway if they already knew that the movie has lots of sex scenes.

Guess who's back?

Dakota Longbow

Hello! I just wanna say that I'm back from HELL! (just kidding!) It's been a very tiring weekend for me but it's really worth it! Now I'm getting ready for school. I'm so damn excited to meet new people!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I'm Going on a short vacation!

That's Lim Eun-Kyeong. She really looks like Shin Eun-Kyeong of My Wife is a Gangster

I'm supposed to go on a short vacation this day. I hope nothing gets on my way. Maybe I'll stay there for 2-3 days. By the way, I guess I wouldn't be able to post during those days so I guess I'll just say it right now. On May 28, Sunday, don't forget to watch "My Wife is a Gangster". It will be shown on QTV channel 11 on 9:00pm. I hope you watch it all because it is truly a hilarious movie. It is a story of a female gangster leader who was forced to marry someone and then she must bear a child before her sister pass away. Hehehe.... sorry I couldn't explain it to you nicely. Just watch it so you'll know! Do you know that the main actress in that movie (Shin Eun-Kyeong) looks like Lim Eun-Kyeong in the movie "Ressurrection of the Little Match Girl"? And also...they have the same name. Isn't that weird? I thought they're relatives or something like that. I'm running out of time now. See ya later folks

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finally, it's over!

Yahoo!! After two days of hard work, I finally finished enrolling in my school. It's been a very tiring day but worth it. I think I should rest right now 'coz I'm a bit tired right now. See ya later!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The long day was over but my problem isn't over!

Just as I expected, there was a huge crowd at the first day of enrollment. I went to the school at 9:00am but I came home 8:30pm. I almost spend half a day just to do it all. One thing that I didn't expected is that there will be a very, very, very long process *kinda exaggerating a little bit!* I thought that all I have to do is to fall in a long, long line and then it's over! But again and again, my guess isn't right. At my first encounter in falling in line, I spent 3 hours just to finish the first step. I know that is not that bad because I thought that it is a natural thing to happen in enrolling at the first day. But suddenly, after finishing the first step, the college clinic requires us to have a medical examination at thier prescribe public clinic outside the campus. I was just laughing all the way when I saw that all I need to do is to have an X-ray and a drug test *The drug test doesn't bother me coz I know I'm not a drug user* But when we reached the clinic *I was accompanied by my mother btw*, I saw a very long line of people trying to go inside the clinic *not to mention, the line in clinic is even longer than what I saw in the campus* Well, what can you expect? I spend my whole afternoon just to be examined. At 3:00pm, I felt a very nasty feeling that I'm gonna pee. So I went to the nearest mall just to urinate. I forgot that my urine is needed for the drug test. Finally, at 5:00pm, it my turn to shine! *I mean, it's my turn to be examined* My X-ray was good but when the nurse told me that they need a sample of my urine, I forgot that I urinated two hours ago! I haven't drink since 12noon so I got no other choice but to drink plenty of water! I think I drink more than 2 liters of water *I'm not kidding!* before I finally feel that I'm gonna pee once more! It was 6:00pm when I finish the test *For the record, I was the last to perform the urine sample gathering*. While riding in the train going home, I felt something inside my body that's waiting to explode! It's my urinary bladder is preparing to explode at any time! I used all my force just to avoid peeing in my pants inside the train with lots of people. It was an air-conditioned train but my sweat is all-over my body! It was quite a while when we reached our station and went to the nearest comfort room. After that, we took our last trip going home. We rode the jeepney. When we came home at about 8:00pm, my family already decided to move our short vacation on other date. I haven't finish my enrollment and I will return tomorrow to get my medical results. Yup! The long day was over but my problem isn't over!

Tomorrow comes Today!

Eun-Kyeong Lim, the mysterious look!

Ok, here it goes! Wish me luck! I hope everything goes fine.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tomorrow's a BIG day!

Her name is Eun-Kyeong Lim. She's cute huh? I'll post some pictures of her later!

Yeah! Tomorrow will be a big and very busy day for me! In the morning I will enroll to my college school. Sounds easy huh? Hehehe... but actually, it means that I'm gonna wait for a long time just to make myself enrolled. Why did I say so? It's because it is first day of enrollment and I'm sure there's gonna be a huge crowd of enrollees that will try to get in my way. Hmm... I know what your thinking right now. I know you'll ask me that, "why should I enroll at the first day if I know that there's gonna be a big crowd?" The answer is that I will be having a short vacation in our province in the afternoon together with my family. Unfortunately, I couldn't convince them to move our vacation on another day. Damn! Why does it always happen to me? Imagine falling in line in the morning for several hours then in the afternoon you'll be having a long and tiring journey. Anyway, I shouldn't be blaming because after I finish all of these, I'm sure I'm gonna have a great vacation! See ya tomorrow!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Download Section is up and running!

Check out what it's all about! But still..... it has some problems. I'll figure it out someday. But the softwares link are all good so you can download it right away!

Hmm..... is this a good idea?

I've been thinking lately.... does putting my BLOG in my website a good idea or not? I just thought that it'll be easy for me to post my announcements and opinions easily. But the problem is..... I doesn't know how to fix my blog's template! The designs in my blog doesn't match the appearance of my site. Damn! if only I know how to edit CSS files! Anyway, maybe later on I'll find out why. But for now...... my BLOG really "SUCKS". *Am I blaming myself?*

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My User image

I'll post an image ^_^

Hello! Welcome to my BLOG

It's my first time and.... I've got nothing to say. Maybe I'll post something better later on!